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Home / DV Lottery 2024 Results Saturday, How To Check If You Fail (With Tips)

DV Lottery 2024 Results Saturday, How To Check If You Fail (With Tips)

May 06, 2023

Those who filled the DV Lottery from last October 5 to November 8 can see if they have been selected. If selected, they will start getting US visas from next October.

How to know if the DVD is not included?

If you have a confirmation number, you can easily see if you are not eligible for DV. Click here to enter your confirmation number, surname and year of birth to find out whether or not you have won the DV lottery. If you are not selected for the DV, then you will be able to see on the screen that you are not selected. If you are selected, you can see the letter on the screen with the next process.

What to do if the confirmation number is lost?

The only way to know whether or not you won the DV Lottery is to go to the official website and enter the confirmation number to check the status. You can check whether or not the DV has been entered by entering the confirmation number, surname and year of birth. But Haraiha also need not worry about the confirmation number. If the confirmation number of the DV Lottery is lost, the American government has given the facility to get the confirmation number through name, date of birth and email address. But you should mention the same email address which you used while filling the DV.

Submit your details by clicking here to get the missing confirmation number.

The Diversity Immigrant Visa Program mandated by the US Congress is conducted annually by the US Department of State. Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides a class of status as “diversity immigrants” to individuals from countries that immigrate to the United States at historically low rates.

Visas are distributed among six geographic regions, and no single country in each region will receive more than seven percent of the number of visas available in any one year. The US government will not notify you directly. Entrant Status Check is the only source of instructions on how to proceed with your application process.

Eligible for DV if they have two years of experience in this profession within the last five years

It is said that even if he does not have a high school level education, he may be eligible to go to America by filling the DV lottery. There is a provision to qualify for the DV Lottery even if you do not have educational qualifications if you have experience in the work specified by the US government. According to the Department of State of the US Government, a person who has two years of experience in the jobs designated by the US Government within the last five years is eligible for the DV Lottery.

The US government has set high school level education (up to 12th grade) as the first qualification for the DV Lottery. If you do not have a high school education, you will be eligible for the DV Lottery if you have at least two years of experience in a US government job. There is a provision that those who are above SVP 7 designated by the US government and who have two years of training or experience in Zone 4 and 5 jobs can qualify for the DV Lottery even if they do not have educational qualifications.

Accordingly, singers are not eligible for the DV lottery if they do not have high school education, but poets, songwriters, writers, and writers are eligible for the DV lottery if they have two years of training or experience.

Security managers, wholesale sales representatives, sales managers are also eligible if they have two years of experience or training, but retail traders are not eligible. Similarly, program directors, presenters in art, design, entertainment, sports and media, program producers in art, design, entertainment, sports and media, musicians in art, design, entertainment, sports and media are also eligible.

But models are not eligible. Those who have two years of experience and training in professions such as librarian, art, drama, music teacher etc. are also eligible for DV Lottery.

After clicking select your profession. By clicking on that occupation, if that occupation is in Zone 4 or 5 and it is rated SVP 7 or above, that job is considered eligible for DV Lottery.


