Rashtriya Kitabkhana (Teachers) has sent the list of compulsory retired teachers to all 77 education development and coordination units.
Kitabkhana has sent the list of teachers who will be compulsorily retired from January 1, 2080 to the end of June 2081, in accordance with Rule 126 Sub-rule (d) of Education Regulations 2059 (with amendments) in the respective districts.
These are the district-wise retired teachers
नेपाल सरकार सङ्घीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालय राष्ट्रिय किताबखाना (निजामती)
Rashtriya Kitabkhana (Teachers) has sent the list of compulsory retired teachers to all 77 education development and coordination units.
Kitabkhana has sent the list of teachers who will be compulsorily retired from January 1, 2080 to the end of June 2081, in accordance with Rule 126 Sub-rule (d) of Education Regulations 2059 (with amendments) in the respective districts.