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Home / A person who was declared dead by the hospital and taken to the ghat is alive

A person who was declared dead by the hospital and taken to the ghat is alive

The person was declared dead by the hospital and held at the morgue for 15 hours.


He was found alive.Pratap Sada Musahar, 45, of Inaruwa Municipality-3, who was taken to the morgue for cremation for 15 hours, was found alive while being taken to the ghat from Metro Neuro Hospital, Biratnagar.According to Pahl Katuwala, a socialite from Inaruwa and neighbor of Pratap, he was admitted to Metro Neuro Hospital for treatment on Saturday morning.

Sada, who made his living by loading goods onto vehicles traveling to and from the local bus stop, collapsed and fainted while loading the goods onto the vehicle. He was immediately rushed to Inaruwa Hospital and later shifted to Koshi Hospital in Biratnagar as treatment was not available there.His wife Sita Sada said Sada, who was taken to Koshi Hospital for treatment, was admitted to Metro Neuro Hospital after the doctor recommended an immediate MRI of the head.The hospital said Sada, who was admitted to the hospital on Saturday afternoon, died overnight.


Social worker Rajendra Pokhrel said neighbors and relatives collected donations as early as Sunday morning and paid the hospital to take the body to Inaruwa for cremation.Katuwal, a social worker, informed that he was found alive when he was taken to the ghat after preparing everything for permanent cremation as per the rituals and traditions of his caste.


The family and relatives have already purchased materials such as green bamboo, katro, ramnami, sesame, barley, beer etc.for the cremation of Sada, who was declared dead by the hospital and brought home. It was also agreed what his wife would wear after the cremation.Locals said that when all his family members gathered and wanted to take him to Sunsari River for cremation, some people saw that he was alive and gave him water and milk.


Social worker Katuwal then informed her that Sada’s health was improving and returning to normal, which is why she stayed at home.


source- https://gorkhapatraonline.com/news/88655
